Tuesday, February 21, 2012


My action words are “Sever” and “Suspend”. I picked “Suspend” to be my action word. I decided to hang my watch on the top of my bed, because sometime I would wake up late. If I could let my watch suspend on the top of my bed, I can know the time once I was woke up by the alarm clock. Sometime I was woke up by the alarm clock, but I would immediately turned that off. The suspending watch could remind me the time is flying away. Time is flowing like air, one can no physically gain it or touch it. I should live in the moment, seize opportunities and cherish time.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Micro Project 4

The superpower that I want to have the most is the ability of flowing in the air. When I was a kid, Aladdin was one of my favorite stories. I love Aladdin and his flying carpet. He could fly to anywhere he wants. I think it is really cool that I can fly or float like he does. I consider myself as a lazy bone, because I hate walking. I prefer taking vehicles rather than walking. I dont like feeling of waiting for a bus in the station, because I am not a patient man.I think a great superpower should be beneficial to the world, at least it should be beneficial for myself.  If I could have the power of flying or floating like what Aladdin does, I could save a lot of time of waiting bus, and save a lot of energy of walking. If anyone wants to jump of a building, I could floating and saving his or her life. I think this superpower could be beneficial for both myself and the world, so this is the superpower that I want the most.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Micro Project 3

9th floor, Thompson Library
A morning of a class day
My overear headphone+water bottle+hat+glasses
The Thompson library is one of my favorite place in the campus. I enjoy the time I spend at the 9th floor. The beautiful view of the Oval is why this place is so attractive to me. I decide this spot to be my personal space in the campus. I think nothing could represent myself better than these personal items. This water bottle represents my body. Not only because water is a origin of life, but I also want my body could be as strong as this water bottle. The most often thing that I do in the library is reading, so I put my glasses on the top of the water bottle. I love to listen music while reading books. I put the headphone as the top of my statue.