Monday, January 9, 2012

Next two articles

The Walker Article

After I finished reading of walker article, I learned more about the importance of “big idea” to an article. I have heard this term before. A great artist needs a great “big idea”. I think an artist with no big idea would be unpredictable and strange. An artist’s big idea should be simple and clear, so he or she could become famous in the world. I think a big idea is kind like a boundary or comfort zone, better not to break or challenge it. Some art works might be confusing or nearly impossible to understand by viewers, but if people could learn the big idea of the artist. It might be easier for viewers to understand the idea behind the work.

Artist has his or her own “big idea”, so does everyone in the society, people has “big idea” through his or her own life, growing up from being a child to an adult. In general, I enjoyed reading this article, because it is not only easy to read, but also presents lots of important concepts of artmaking.

The Barrett Article

In the Barrett article, I like the part that article analyze many different connotations and denotations and how different students see it. I really like the part that he pulls the “Rollingstone magazine ” as an example of connoted image and linguistic message. Vivid example like this could be really helpful for explaining ideas. He presents some new ways of seeing magazine cover, commercial or poster, which I have never noticed that there are so many strategy of making a magazine cover.

Students of different ages have different ways to see connotations and all any kinds of different things. He written this article in the order of different groups, but no compare them all in a same paragraph, because those different groups are not comparable.

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